Sunday, June 01, 2008

Don't Let The Turkeys Get You Down.

Not all news is good news as they say. RTE said no to our series idea via standard rejection letter, no reason given at all, which is annoying. So we're not sure why they didn't go for it, idea, setting, characters, us as writers, all of the above. It would be nice to have had some feedback, so we know what to avoid next time.

We will continue working on ideas. In fact Thomas and I are meeting soon to go over new series ideas and an idea for a new short, which, like Bill, For Short, will be shot digitally and for no money. So we're both excited about that. Don't let the turkeys get you down as me ol Da always said.

I am still waiting for news on The Race and Ghoster, both of which are on the slow foot, which is as frustrating as ever. I'm about to start a new draft on Ghoster, just letting some new ideas ferment for a bit.

In the meantime I've started work on a new story, not for the screen, entitled "The Cats of the Crescent". I'm well into it and I'm really enjoying it. I try and get to it everyday, which is sometimes impossible, but usually get about 2000 words written each sitting, sometimes more sometimes less. I'm at the 20,000 word mark at the minute and aiming for 80-100k, so about a fifth of the way there. Not that the word count really matters at this stage, it's a first draft and will most likely change quiet a bit. But I guess word counts are like road markers or rest stops. It's good to have them along the way, breaks the journey up and sometimes you arrive at you destination before you thought, other times you still have a few mile to go before you've made it.
It's nice to write and not have to worry about trying to film it at the end! It's a bit more liberating. So more on that one later.

And work will soon begin again on this...

So stay tuned.

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